November 20, 2011

Massive Brainstorm: Notes

1- small renderings from assemblage piece
2-Sculpture using cloth idea
3- Simplistic piece, formal piece off of alter book page "history" with Marie Antoinette

~~~~work in progress ~~~~~


  1. I'm curious as to what you mean by communication? Also are these notes applicable to just one project or is it to encompass multiple projects? When you said cloth I think what would be really cool to create would be create pattern like the one found plaid or in jeans. All of these are idea that you can take or leave just trying to help :).

  2. Hum, I was going to use subject matter that represents communication in a piece but since then I have lost the drive to do that one! haha,these are all for different pieces...notes that I know I can come back to if I need ideas. I do that often "the brain storming" I suppose, this is just the first time I decided to post about it! I like the idea of a pattern piece though almost like a zoomed in on the pattern of jeans like the individual threads ? Thank you for your thoughts!
