March 26, 2012

Concentration 5

Well this is going at the beginning of my portfolio. I took a bunch of risk with this piece and well... sometimes risks don't turn out well and thats why they are called risks. I did an organic design with a very bright and almost clone resembling color scheme. I did white lines and it wasn't structured. So I learned a ton from this piece and I guess I can at least take something from this.Its just weird because I hate this piece but ive heard other people like it... man, can't please everyone.


  1. This is definitely different yet obviously in your style. This shows growth. This is good for your portfolio. Within your portfolio, you should be taking moderate risks.

  2. Thanks! I guess looking at it in that light will help me in that aspect.

    1. I really like the splatters coming out of the tubes. It gives the eyes something to grasp on to.

  3. This piece gives off an extraterrestrial vibe to it. I agree with Nick about the splatters coming out the tubes. My eyes are immediately drawn to the lines on the shapes.
